Our Endowed Funds

Since 1921, The Dayton Foundation has been helping donors and organizations help others and our community through endowed funds that preserve our donors’ charitable purposes, today and after their lifetimes.

Note: Due to the large size of this listing, it has been broken into multiple pages. Click on this pull-down menu to select the part of the alphabetical listing you wish to view.


PALS for Life Endowment Fund – 2001 helps provide counseling services for breast cancer patients and breast examinations for women in need through PALS for Life, Inc., breast cancer support group.

Parity Non-Endowed Operations Fund – 2021 established by Edmond Moore in honor of The Dayton Foundation’s Centennial anniversary, generates revenue for the sustainability of Parity operations to benefit the community. 

Ted Parker (Theodore Phifer Parker) Scholarship Fund – 1996 assists current WPAFB Area B Travel Division employees and/or their dependent children in attending accredited institutions of higher learning located in Montgomery and Greene Counties.

The Michael M. and Amy S. Parks Fund – 2022 advances the charitable wishes of the donors by improving the quality of life in Greater Dayton, as determined by The Dayton Foundation’s Governing Board. Mike Parks, who has served as president of The Dayton Foundation since 2002, and his wife, Amy, have been married for 40 years and share four children and six grandchildren. 

Jenna Parlette Memorial Scholarship #JennaStrong Fund – 2017 memorializes this standout track and cross-country athlete who inspired others with her heart of gold. The fund awards scholarships to help further the education of Miamisburg High School graduates who embody Jenna’s spirit.

Kenneth E. and Margaret E. Parnell Fund – 1995 was established through a legacy gift from Margaret Parnell to provide financial support for individuals with visual impairments.

The Partners for the Environment Fund – 2024 garners revenue for nonprofit organizations focused on the conservation of the natural environment and agricultural resources. The Partners for the Environment is an alliance of environmental organizations focused on protecting and preserving the environmental and agricultural resources of the Great Miami River and Little Miami River Watersheds.

Mildred Lewis Patterson Fund – 2005 created from a trust by Ms. Patterson, provides annual income to five charitable organizations, including The Dayton Foundation.

Robert Patterson Memorial Fund – 1995 establishes an unrestricted fund to honor one of the three founding contributors to the Foundation, through contributions his late son and daughter-in-law, William P. and Suzanne W. Patterson, made during their lifetimes.

Dr. and Mrs. Juan A. Paulet Fund – 2002 enables the donors to fulfill their charitable goals by contributing to educational, civic, religious and community activities.

Meta E. Pavlik Charitable Fund – 1992 supports the many charitable interests of its originator. The trust was originally established in 1975 and later transferred to the Foundation by its advisors.

Betsy Pence Memorial Scholarship Fund – 1997 provides scholarships to Beavercreek High School graduating seniors who would not otherwise qualify for academic scholarships, to help them attend accredited institutions of higher learning. This fund was initiated by Merrie Lou and Jack R. Pence II in memory of their daughter, Betsy Pence.

Jean Penny Scholarship – 2021 awards scholarships to help Greater Dayton students further their education. Jean Penny, who co-founded Penny & Penny Advertising with her husband, Robert, in 1949, loved to travel and play golf. Her generous spirit and value for education will live on through helping students complete their college degrees. 

Robert and Jean Penny Endowment Fund – 2006 provides support for The Dayton Foundation, as well as for college scholarships and for services that benefit individuals with disabilities. In 1949, Robert and Jean Penny, founded Penny & Penny Advertising, which later became Penny/Ohlmann/Neiman, Inc., thanks to the addition of two outstanding partners.

Vicki Pegg Safe Harbor Fund – 2006 was established by the friends of Vicki Pegg in honor of her retirement as Montgomery County commissioner. The fund benefits The Artemis House, which provides emergency assistance to domestic violence victims and their children.

Performing Arts Field-of-Interest Fund – 2019 supports performing arts organizations in Dayton, including the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, in producing and presenting ballet, philharmonic and opera performances, as well as educational programs. 

Mae Peroni Fund – 1998 perpetuates the memory of its founder, Mae Peroni, a devoted Seventh-day Adventist, to benefit students attending Seventh-day Adventist schools, from elementary through high school in Ohio and in colleges throughout the United States.

PFLAG Dayton LGBTQ and Ally Scholarship – 2022 encourages graduating seniors and current college students from the Miami Valley, who are advocates for LGBTQ+ related issues or actively involved in LGBTQ+ related organizations, to pursue their dreams through scholarship assistance. 

Jesse Philips Fund – 1987 provides unrestricted dollars to benefit the community and helped to match a challenge grant from the Ford Foundation. Jesse Philips was founder and retired chair of Philips Industries and a former Foundation Governing Board chair.

Jesse Philips Opera Fund – 1987 endows and helps ensure the production and promotion of musical and theatrical performances of opera in Dayton.

Caryl Philips Dayton Museum of Natural History Fund – 2001 designates unrestricted operating revenue for the Dayton Society of Natural History. Caryl D. Philips is a former president and capital campaign chairwoman of the Dayton Museum of Natural History and an emeritus member of The Dayton Foundation Governing Board.

Caryl Philips Humane Society of Greater Dayton Fund – 2001 was established by Caryl D. Philips, an emeritus member of The Dayton Foundation Governing Board and past president of the Humane Society of Greater Dayton, to provide unrestricted operating revenue for the Society.

The Physicians' Charitable Foundation of the Miami Valley Fund – 2008 helps improve the quality, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of health care services in the Greater Dayton Region.

Pink Ribbon Girls Fund – 2015 provides revenue to this nonprofit organization that brings comfort and compassion to women facing breast and reproductive cancers through direct services, education and support.

Planned Parenthood Foundation Endowment Fund – 1989 helps provide medical and educational services for family planning and reproductive health.

Places Legacy Fund – 2004 provides unrestricted revenue to ensure the mission of Places, Inc., to promote and enhance community living skills and to provide quality housing options to individuals who are mentally ill, including those who are homeless.

Richard N. and Billie R. Platt Fund – 2022 provides operating revenue for Southminster Presbyterian Church. The fund remembers Richard “Dick” Platt and his wife, Billie who were married for 54 years and found joy and fulfillment in serving various roles at their church. 

Poelstra Family Charitable Fund – 1999 provides financial assistance to nonprofit organizations suggested by the donors.

Mark Poeschl Fund – 2021 will perpetuate the donors' charitable interest. Mark Poeschl is CEO of National FFA Organization and Foundation.

Nancy Poeschl Fund – 2021 awards grants to causes and organizations important to the donor, who is a registered and licensed dietician.

Carolyn Hosier Polk Fund – 1997 as an unrestricted fund, will help support The Dayton Foundation's efforts to meet pressing needs in the Greater Dayton Region, now and in the future.

David Ponitz Completion Scholarship at Sinclair Community College – 2014 awards scholarships to Sinclair Community College students who demonstrate financial need and are nearing completion of their degrees. The fund, established by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, honors Sinclair President Emeritus David Ponitz for his years of service as a board member of the Fordham Institute.

Ponitz Family Fund – 1998 furthers charitable activities and institutions, as designated by the donors. David Ponitz, president emeritus of Sinclair Community College, and his late wife, Doris, are known for their community involvement and interest in the arts, education and human services.

Ellen Jane Lorenz Porter Fund – 1990 uses assets to meet the changing needs of Greater Dayton. Ellen Jane Lorenz Porter was a composer and an expert in the fields of handbells and hymnology. The fund provides a memorial to her life.

Jonathan Dewberry Porter Memorial Scholarship Fund – 2022 contributes financial assistance for a graduating senior from the Central State University Upward Bound Program to continue his or her education. An Upward Bound Program graduate, First-Class Private Jonathan Porter carved a path of success from his experience in the U.S. Army, along with other career paths, and was committed to helping others achieve their goals and dreams.

Jeannie T. Potter Scholarship Fund – 2016 memorializes this teacher, artist, cousin and friend. The fund awards scholarships to assist graduating seniors of Webster County High School in West Virginia in furthering their education.

The Helen C. Potter Advanced Teacher Training Seminar Scholarship – 2020 enhances arts education for professional development teachers in all subject areas by providing income for a Muse Machine scholarship.

The Robert L. and Helen C. Potter Family Fund – 2004 will perpetuate the Potter family's interests in supporting arts education. Robert L. Potter served as the chief financial officer and treasurer for The Dayton Foundation from 1995 to 1998.

Dean B. Powell Scholarship Fund – 2001 was established through a bequest to perpetuate the donor's wish to award college scholarships to high-school graduates. Dean B. Powell was a third-generation farmer and a 32nd degree Mason and life member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Toledo.

The Preble County Council on Aging Fund – 2002 will generate unrestricted operating, program and site-development revenue for the Preble County Council on Aging.

Precious Blood Parish Pure Endowment Fund – 2006 provides annual, unrestricted operating revenue for Precious Blood Parish in Dayton.

Mary Kuhn Preotle Scholarship Fund – 2007 provides scholarships for students attending Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School in Dayton, Ohio, and Elder High School in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Prevent Blindness Ohio Fund – 2001 supports public education, advocacy, research and early detection programs aimed at preventing blindness and preserving sight by generating unrestricted income for Prevent Blindness Ohio, a volunteer eye health and safety organization.

Harry S. Price, Jr., Family Fund – 1985 enhances various nonprofit efforts. Harry Price, former CEO and Chairman of Price Brothers Co., and his wife, Janet, initiated the fund.

Chief Paul J. Price Scholarship Fund – 1994 recognizes Chief Price and the steady succession of promotions that took this Dayton police officer from patrolman in 1935 to chief of police in 1955. The fund was established by Chief Price's widow, Persha L. Price, to provide scholarships to active-duty Dayton police officers taking continuing education courses.

Maria Prieto Charitable Fund – 2013 awards grants to nonprofit organizations that help at-risk youth in Montgomery County. Eleni Prieto established the fund in honor of her mother, Maria Prieto, who touched many lives during her years working in the behavioral health services field.

Thelma Fordham Pruett Fund – 1995 supports secondary and post-secondary education, as well as other local projects, while honoring this lifelong Daytonian and generous benefactor.

The Mary and Richard Pryor Fund – 2005 benefits organizations providing healthcare services to women and adolescents in the Miami Valley. Dr. Mary Pryor was a family practitioner and Richard Pryor was a founding member of the law firm Young, Pryor, Lynn & Jerardi.

Public Service Monument Fund – 2016 supports efforts in the City of Dayton to construct a monument in Cooper Park dedicated to public service and public servants.

Puerto Rican, American and Caribbean Scholarship Fund – 2020 promotes awareness and education about Hispanic culture by awarding scholarships to Hispanic students and students promoting Hispanic culture, who are attending or planning to attend accredited technical schools or universities.  

John E. and Elizabeth Purdy Fund – 2010 established from the remains of a Charitable Remainder Trust and a Pooled Income Fund, helps meet pressing needs in the Greater Dayton Region, as identified by The Dayton Foundation. John “Jack” Purdy, a World War II veteran and founder of Dayton Showcase Company, and his wife, Elizabeth, were married for nearly 58 years.

While the size and purpose of each fund is different, our donors share the same goal – to make a difference.

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